How to Get More Likes on TikTok

How to Get More Likes on TikTok? The Best 10 Methods to Get More Likes on TikTok

If you’re having some success on TikTok, with plenty of views and a bit of engagement on your posts, but you aren’t scaling to the same level as other micro TikTok influencers or large accounts in your niche, you may need help. Each video you put on TikTok should be made with your brand voice in mind and to accrue engagement – from likes, follows, comments and more. While it’s not always easy to know how to increase likes and start growing your account, there are proven strategies that successful TikTokers have used to get more likes and achieve success.

You need likes for your videos to rank well, use the TikTok algorithm and appear above other trending content in your niche. Consider these tips used by other content creators to amass likes and engagement on their pages.

Why likes are important on TikTok?

TikTok likes can rank your video on the platform and determine the overall engagement level and popularity of your videos. When you post a video and it gets consistent likes, you signal to the TikTok algorithm that the content you have created is high quality. As you continue to post content and get free likes from a mass following, your future videos will get more engagement and visibility. If you’ve got your own video that has thousands of likes, it has a much greater chance of getting ranked highly for the keywords and information you’ve used to index it on TikTok.

Reasons why videos are getting views but no likes:

In order to have success on the platform from the first few seconds the user sees your content, consider studying the other content that users are creating to drive many TikTok views to their page. By studying your competition and some of the most competitive users in your niche, you’ll always have a frame of reference to see what helps other content creators obtain success.

Here are some of the most common reasons your content could be getting liked less often:

  • You don’t keep to a regular post schedule: Every video you post can increase engagement if you’re sticking to a regular post schedule. Eventually, your follower count will start to anticipate the regular time that you will be posting videos. It can take time to edit a large bank of videos, but if you have a scheduled series of posts, you can always have something consistent to share with your followers. To get more likes, bringing people back to your page with new content is super important.
  • Your video quality is low: Some of the most successful creators on TikTok are the people who put real effort into their videos. This can mean regularly editing their content and making sure that they are using high-quality filming equipment. Check on your sound quality if you’ve got original sounds in your TikToks, and you will have a better chance of getting more likes. Work on upgrading the quality of your editing, and you can set yourself apart from amateur TikTok creators.
  • You’re not well versed with the latest TikTok updates: TikTok’s algorithm is constantly changing, and the way that content is ranked on the system changes with it. If you aren’t following regular updates regarding TikTok’s algorithm for ranking and formatting, you could be left behind by other content TikTok creators. Take your time to read the latest news updates of the other social media platforms and follow experts.
  • Don’t buy fake likes and followers: If you’re regularly buying fake likes and followers, you could be risking your account health. Buying authentic followers and likes to boost your page is a good start, but if you can’t verify that they are real followers, you could get flagged for having inauthentic followers or likes from bot accounts. You want to avoid risking your main TikTok account, so always vet the site you use to buy followers from. Before you purchase any followers or likes, make sure they come from real users or a reputable marketing company. Authentic TikTok users will actively engage with your content, too, providing better value than a bot.

The Best Methods to Get More Likes on TikTok

 Tip #1: Always have a brief hook

If you need more likes for your page, you must grab users’ attention with the same category of initial hook. Eye-catching and posting videos that users can’t help but watch will improve your viewership rate. The best hooks, like seamless transitions or unexpected turns, that can catch the viewer’s, eyes so they have to watch it over again.

Hooks can be anything from high-quality editing and color to brash humor or a polished look that nobody has seen before. Don’t be afraid to post content with an outrageous hook; work on making sure your content fits your brand.

Here are some examples of what a hook is and how you can use them:


exposing their tricks & I came with receipts…

♬ Fall October Halloween horror classic(177261) – rareNote

Most of the time, you’ll only have three seconds to hook a prospective viewer. To keep people watching the entire clip, ensure you include a solid hook in the early opening seconds of your video. You can start with a vibrant thumbnail before the video starts, jump in with an incredible sound clip that is loud and exciting or use smooth editing work to create one excellent shot to start your video. Work on your hooks, and you’ll see viewership rates and likes increase, because many users will swipe past your video and leave a like if they are hooked into watching it.

Work on your editing skills to enhance your videos:

Professionals on TikTok use video editing the same category of software to polish their content for an engaged audience. Investing in an editing program, or using the TikTok effects to change your video from something generic into something special, can be helpful. If you’re about to post frequently a new clip, look at some simple filters or other changes you could make to make that clip slightly better. Minor edits and putting real work into your videos will be noticed, as your engaging content stacks up against the competition. Competing on this platform is difficult, but with good editing, you can set yourself apart or create your own unique style and brand.

Try modern editing software like CapCut:

Powerful tool like Capcut can be a huge help if you need support from editing software. This program comes with everything you need to edit and format videos for TikTok, including image design, closed captions, original video thumbnails and more. You can use this application on Android, iOS and Windows so that you can edit movies on your preferred platform.

Get a pro account:

Using a pro account with a bright TikTok username can be an excellent way to track analytics and get the most out of your TikTok account. By clicking on the three dots and using the pro account features, you can see analytics load after 24 or 48 hours, which can give you hidden insights to demographics on your page. You’ll also see advanced demographics from your users as they are active on different platforms.

Tip #2: Build your brand voice

Yes, you’ll be able to get even more views by hopping on trends, but people will like you best for the personality you share. Obtain great video descriptions. Users won’t regularly revisit your page unless you do something different from the competition. TikTok trends or participating in dance challenges may draw people to the Discover page, but they won’t help you get consistent followers and likes on TikTok. Use memorable username and interesting video titles.

TikTok’s algorithm favors your own content and caption icon kinds as well. Hopping on trends draws people in, but producing something that gets organic views and likes, with your own sounds and advanced editing features, shows that your account has excellent value when ranking future videos. Your target audience will thank you with TikTok likes as your profile becomes more of a brand.

Start by making a list of what your TikTok voice should be. Think about how you connect to fans and what you’ll share about your life in publishing TikTok videos. If you’re an adventuring hiker, post content frequently of outdoor content accessible and keep your content centered around that passion. Pick a lane and a unique voice, and then build your brand from these focused fresh ideas. Making a chart and checking what’s working for other content creators can help you see where your passion and TikTok success on the platform align.

Using TikTok analytics can help you find other creators in your super niche. This can be an excellent way to look at the types of professional looking videos that perform better for your audience and give you a chance to better define your super niche. As you are researching the Discover page and working on your own content, this can be a big help.

TikTok creators need to work on their brand voice and the language that is synonymous with their company. It takes time to develop a writing style or a certain tone of voice. The Nielsen Norman Group is an excellent resource for new brands. They offer dimensions for each brand to discover their voice and use language that properly suits it. Companies and individuals building an online TikTok presence can choose dimensions for their brand ranging from enthusiasm, respectfulness, formality and humor, to name a few of the key markers for language.

To put these primers into practice, we have an example from YouTube creator Matt D’avella, who chose a combination of these characteristics to discover a mix that suited his own brand. We can see how this has helped his work evolve and how he’s been able to build a more complete brand voice as a result of the research.

This second example comes from Redbull, and using this tone of voice, we can see how we get a brief introduction to the athlete and then see her complete a challenge, all while maintaining the brand voice and identity of the main page.

Tip #3: Research and use popular hashtags

Trending content is an excellent way to introduce new fans to your TikTok videos. Jumping on popular hashtags will ensure you’ll see a TikTok growth of likes and follows. Research hashtags and popular TikTok trends on the platform, and, if these trends align with your brand, make videos around them.

Adding hashtags will help you connect with other content creators and people accessing the platform. These trending hashtags will rank well if you already have other social media accounts that have a decent following and other videos with many likes on TikTok.

Additionally, trending keywords in the description of your video can be important. Look into what’s trending and consider creating a content strategy that falls in line with these trends. As you continue to use trending keywords and single video descriptions in your TikTok profile, you can make sure the right people are able to see your content. Choosing a relevant hashtag is a small part of ranking DIY videos, and you can also use popular hashtags as the keywords in your video descriptions and bio to work at attracting the core audience.

Tip #4: Use interesting titles

You can’t find success with only popular hashtags and great content (audio clip, for instance). The title for your video can be one of the best ranking factors for searches and an excellent way to draw in and hook other users (or bring in target users searching for content) that align with your title. They serve as video descriptions alongside the hashtags for the target audience.

As you post videos, you’re going to want to monitor the titles you are using and see what terms or title formats work best. Workshopping interesting video titles that make people want to click on your new video will help you get more likes on TikTok.

Tip #5: Break up videos into parts and leave a cliffhanger

A successful strategy many TikTokers use today is breaking up their longer videos into smaller parts. It is important how many videos you will produce. Posting a “Pt.1” to a video and ending it on a cliffhanger, such as a subtitle that reads, “Click the next video to see what happens next,” will allow you to tell richer stories and get more views on several videos, rather than just some views on one long video.

If you’re splitting up your TikTok content into several parts and ending each part on a cliffhanger or in an open-ended way that provides interest in the next video, you will see users spending more time on your profile. Be sure that you’re not splitting up your content too much, and – when possible – post some one-off videos to break up the longer content. Also, try not to create videos that exceed 4-5 parts, as this can seem arduous for many users other users.

Tip #6: Post regularly

Consistency on TikTok is a huge factor in success. To see consistent growth, the best TikTok influencers can’t go more than 2-3 days without publishing a video. Even when you’ve got a solid base of TikTok followers, to get more likes and to see more likes on your TikTok page, you’ve got to be posting every day or establishing a post schedule for consistency. To start, try posting at the same time each day or the same 3-4 days each week (e.g., every Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Curate your TikTok content in advance and think about the types of videos you will post for special events, latest trends and more.

As you find a rhythm with your content and creation schedule, you’ll likely find it easier to keep to your post schedule because it becomes a routine. This often means making your content in advance and keeping some on hand for when there may be creative stagnation. With this routine, you’ll see your TikTok likes increase because you’ll create content to convert likes and followers. A consistent, 4-5 day a week post schedule is a good spot to aim for when you’re starting.

Tip #7: Use TikTok’s effects to enhance your videos

TikTok has a variety of effects built into the platform for improving your videos. These effects will be helpful if you don’t have access to pro editing software or unique filters.

Effects can be added both after and before you record a video. Some effects need to be applied, like filters, before you’re recording, whereas others require processing and need to be applied after. To add effects, click the effects button in the top left of the camera screen. Experiment with effects as you create videos, and, once you find effects you like for your videos, favorite the effect, and you can apply it easier in the future.


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♬ Strawberry – Prod. By Rose

Tip #8: Be active in the community

TikTok, like so many other apps, is a social network. To get the most out of your TikTok experience, you’ll need to also stay active and engage with your followers. To stay active, respond to the comments that people leave on your videos, be sure to reach out to other creators in your niche and mention other creators that you enjoy that are not direct competition.

If you can start conversations or share comments on trending news and content on the platform, you can also engage with new followers. Act like a TikTok influencers do. If your followers feel as though they can reach you and interact with you, it can give them more incentive to follow your page as they know their voice will be heard.

Tip #9: Testing and analytics

You won’t be creating hit content with every TikTok post, but you’ll need to know the type of content your fans like best. Learn from your performance by studying analytics and fresh ideas for your TikTok page. Create content via the kind your competitors are making and see which videos of theirs are gaining the most views. When you post a new video, make sure to track the number of views it gets and any other demographic information. It may take some time to learn what types of content you should be posting, but if you’ve got the numbers to back up your earlier posts, you can see what is popular and predict what will be popular in the future.

Be sure to follow up and track your results so that you can see the latest trends, which will help you understand what creating high quality content will be most successful moving forward.

Tip #10: Pin only the best content to gain the point how to get more likes on TikTok

TikTok makes it easy to pin videos at the top of your page to introduce your new followers and visitors to your top content. If you are planning on pinning a video, make sure that you are pinning only the best videos that you have. Look at your best-performing videos and ensure that these are the posts that you are going to pin at the top of your page. Choosing these best-performing videos will ensure that you can always have your top-performing content appearing first, and it will get people interested in your page. Avoid poor produced videos.

When you choose underperforming content for this section or regularly pin new content, your best content might get lost, and you could have your top performers fall behind dramatically. It may also not represent the best of your page and the videos that many users would be trying to find on your profile.

Three more essential tips for your inspiration:

  • Ask thought-provoking questions for successful presence. As @milajaye explains in her video below, asking questions, both in videos, comment sections, and caption sections. Questions attract people’s attention, make them answer, engage with your videos more, and continue the conversation if the topic is very engaging.
  • Go live and earn money! Learn when your broad audience is most active during the day and go live at that time. Depending on your niche you might have a simple Q&A session or just have a casual conversation with your followers, deepening your connection with them and understanding them more.
  • Remind your target audience to like and comment on your video. Briefly remind people to engage with your content. Sometimes people just forget to do this via effective ways.

People Also Ask

What is the fastest way to get more likes on TikTok and stay up to date?

You’ll see massive growth on TikTok by paying for targeted likes or by creating an original video that goes viral. Obtain dance challenges Post on other social media platforms, and use relevant hashtags to group your content amongst other users, and then use a paid ad strategy to help people discover page videos for your account.

Why am I not getting enough likes on TikTok?

The content you post frequently may be too generic, or you haven’t got a good base of followers, so it isn’t getting ranked well. Work on honing your brand voice and creating content to drive TikTok likes to your account.

How can I get over 1000 likes on TikTok?

You can get over 1000 likes on TikTok by working on your brand, posting great content, obtaining social media marketing for your page, researching trends, optimizing titles and establishing a community to view it.

How can I get more likes on TikTok after posting?

Use strategies like posting at the right time of day when there are more users in your market online, cross  promote the TikToks you’ve just posted, researching the latest trends and making timely videos – all can quickly help you get more likes on TikTok. So, make sure to use the essential tips mentioned above.

Cordelia Bexley

Cordelia Bexley is a professional writer specializing in organic social media growth, mainly in Instagram and TikTok. A graduate in Media Science from Boston University’s College of Communication. Currently working as a content writer for the Influensly blog, she continues her journey both as a writer and in social media organic growth marketing, adding immense value to the Influensly customers with her in-depth guides and how-to on how to grow a TikTok account both for individual creators and brands, doesn’t matter how small or big.

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