how to get unshadowbanned on tiktok

Everything You Need to Know About TikTok Shadowban

Shadowban is the unspoken rule. It is the elephant in the room—sorry, I mean “app.” It sneaks up on you before you even realize it, dwindling your video’s performance and leaving you wondering what might have gone wrong.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the TikTok shadow ban. So, if you want to know more about this mysterious TikTok shadow ban, look no further.

Here, you’ll find out what the TikTok shadow ban is, why you may have been shadowbanned, how to know if you’ve been shadowbanned, how long it lasts, and how to get un-shadowbanned on TikTok. 

What is TikTok Shadow Ban?

A shadowban is a phenomenon that occurs when TikTok subtly makes a creator’s posts almost invisible on the platform because they violate TikTok’s community guidelines. 

Ideally, the TikTok algorithm recommends great videos to members’ “For” You” pages, which currently number over a billion. Your video first gets shown to people’s “For You” pages, then a thousand, then several thousand, and upwards.

This system allows a video to trend organically without much effort on your part. However, when a shadow ban is in effect, the magic factor, the flying Aladdin carpet that lifts your video to millions of accounts, is pulled from under you. Furthermore, you’re clothed with the cloak of invisibility. 

Without fail, your viewership declines, and the worst part is you may not be aware that you have TikTok’sed TikTok’s community guidelines and keep repeating your mistakes. 

While this may sound harsh, the truth is, for TikTok to thrive and remain safe amidst the billions of video content circulating on its platform, there have to be measures for checks and sanitization. 

Why You May Have Been Shadowbanned on TikTok

When a user violates any of the community guidelines, they are subject to receive a shadowban. For many who have received this penalty, their primary response is that they weren’t aware they violated community guidelines in their videos. The truth is that Tok hasn’t even explicitly “stated that “sh” now banning” accounts “is one of the disciplinary measures it implements. But we’ll know it’s an unspoken rule.

Let’s said let’s take a closer look at some possible reasons why you may have your TikTok account shadow-banned:

  • Copyright Infringement: We were all warned about plagiarism and intellectual theft in high school and college. Yep, that is still today, even on a casual social app like TikTok. The app prides itself on being the foremost social media platform on which to get relevant, authentic information. That’s why they take copyright issues seriously. Lifting texts, images, sounds, or anything else without proper consent or credit to the originator is against community guidelines. Sometimes, it might be challenging to come up with brilliant ideas, but average original content is better than stolen content.
  • Spreading False Information: Information spreads fast these days, and spreading wrong information can quickly do much damage. An account that unknowingly forwards fake, unfounded news or concocts defamatory statements about a person or brand is visiting TikTok’s dark domain.
  • Spamming: Spamming can occur in several forms, and any of such is a recipe for attracting a shadowban. Examples of spamming include like-for-like schemes, sending multiple canned, unsolicited comments, uploading many videos quickly, and others. The system is on the lookout for unnatural activity—anything that looks like it’s been done using bots to manipulate TikTok community guidelines.
  • Sharing Adult Content: When you hear the word adult content, what comes to mind first is nudity, pornography, and other explicit material. But that’s not all. Adult content also involves drugs, alcohol abuse, gory graphics, cringe fetishes, animal cruelty, etc., which all attract penalties. 
  • Bullying: Cyberbullying is an actual occurrence that’s affecting many kids and young people today.
  • TikTok users belong to different age groups, but the most active groups on the platforms are Gen Zs and Gen Alpha—primarily teenagers and young adults. Hence, the app creators work round the clock to create a safe place for the group representing the bulk of their customers. 
  • Multiple Flagged Content: A displeased viewer may often flag your content as inappropriate, often for sentimental reasons. But too many people flagging your content immediately will draw the bot cops’ attention, and your account will be locked in the shadowban cell. For example, a tongue-in-cheek joke about a visit to a place may be amusing to others but disrespectful to indigenes of that region. This may cause these individuals to flag it as inappropriate content, even though it doesn’t directly violate TikTok’s community guidelines. Therefore, it helps to be thoughtful and considerate of others’ feelings when posting content on your page.  
  • Algorithm Mistake: There are billions of videos circulating on TT. It’s folly to think humans can monitor everything in the app, so the algorithm was created. But algorithms sometimes glitch and make errors, just like the humans who made that algorithm. In other words, on rare occasions, your account may get flagged without you doing anything inappropriate. In such cases, you take it up with the staff, expecting speedy resolution without hassles.
  • Using VPN: Even though the platform has existed for many years, there are still countries where the ad doesn’t operate. Furthermore, some programs on the app are restricted to people within a specific location only. Trying to use a VPN to conceal your location for monetization purposes or whatever may attract a shadowban and permanent account deactivation. Also, attempting to open another account from a phone or laptop with a flagged IP address increases the risk of being shadowbanned. 
  • Hate Speech: Similar to cyberbullying, hate speech, racial slurs, or threats to one or a group of people is strongly going against the TikTok community guidelines. Blackmail, slander, body shaming, innuendos, harassment, and anything tied to verbal misuse of words is a sure recipe for shadow banning.
  • Hashtag Stuffing: Hashtag stuffing is exactly what it means. Attempting to cramp every conceivable hashtag or caption into a video will not help your content trend faster. On the contrary, it confuses the algorithm and, in worst-case scenarios, attracts a penalty. Incidentally, when it comes to hashtags, the key is to select four or five relevant ones that would make the most impact. 

How to Know if You Have Been Shadowbanned

The downside to being shadowbanned is that one cannot say when it happens. It’s dangerous because users unwittingly continue the acts that caused them to be kicked into the shadow realm in the first place. 

Nonetheless, three tell-tale signs indicate you’ve been getting the silent treatment from TikTok. 

Shrink in Engagement 

When your engagement suddenly nosedives, despite having a huge follower base, the odds are high that you’ve become a recipient of shadow banning. 

Initially, your comments section usually burst at the seams, but now you get trickle replies. Or maybe your likes and shares don’t-shares don’t stack up as well as before. 

These signs mean you should quickly check your analytics to see what’s wrong. 

Absence in For You Page

One nifty trick for determining whether an account is undTikTok’sk’s shadow detention is to check whether followers can see updates from that account.

Try searching for your video on yofollowers’rFriends’ds’ feeds. If you see your recent uploads, all is well. If not, that means one thing: shadowban activated. 

Absence in Hashtag Searches

Users can search for videos using hashtags, which can tell them whether the platform is shadow-banning an account. 

Upload a video with a rare hashtag, then grab friend’s device and search specifically for that hashtag. Whether or not the video pops up gives you a clue about your current account’s status.  

Do Low Video Views Indicate a Shadow Ban?

The answer not not straightforward: you’re wondering whether low views mean you’ve received a shadow ban.

We now know that a flagged account will suddenly witness a sharp decline in views and engagement. That’s true. However, poor engagement, apart from a shadow ban, could have several causes. 

Some of the reasons include: 

  • Uninteresting or irrelevant content: It’s straightforward; if your content doesn’t interest the user, you’ll get little engagement. 
  • Poor Video Quality: The video’s content may be great, but engagement levels will be shallow if the editing is shabby
  • Misapplication of irrelevant hashtags: Using the wrong hashtags with your video or too many reduces the possibility of visibility. 
  • Poor Timing of Content Upload There’s a particular time of day when an audience engages most with content. Failure to upload within a time frame of high activity will lead to low views. 

How to Get Un-shadowbanned on TikTok

Since a Shadowbis isn’t official, you cannot appeal. However, it may still be worth trying. 

But here are some quick steps to take once detected:

Remove Erring Content 

Go through your recent content and carefully scan through it to pinpoint where there might be a possible violation. You can narrow down on suspected TikTok videos by noting when the ban started and videos posted 7-14 days before you start noticing a decline in engagement. 

Delete and Reinstall the TikTok App

While not fully verified, some schools of thought say that deleting and reinstalling the TT app helps undo the shadowban. So, experimenting on them won’t hurt or cost you a dime.

Moderate Your Upload Frequency

An account that doesn’t follow TikToksk’s rules but still gets a ban most likely attracts it due to excessive posting. Amid a ban, the best recommendation is to upload only one video a day.

Wait it Out

As the algorithm takes time to lift an account back to visibility, you also need to take your time. Spend the time between brainstorming new content ideas and fine-tuning your video-editing skills.

Strategies to Avoid a TikTok Shadow Ban

They say prevention is better than cure. Knowing how to avoid the shadowban trap is much better than knowing how to fix it. 

So here are a couple of things to remember to avoid TikTok shadowban.  

Get Familiar with TikTok’s Community Guidelines.

Ignoranisn’tn’t bliss on TikTok. On the contrary, it will cause you to make avoidable mistakes. Therefore, you must follow the rules when you’re on the platform.

However, the only way to do so is to intentionally discover the significant dos and don’ts and don’ts by them. Doing so can save you from ending up in the invisible cell (shadowban).

Practice Moderation

It’s an instinct to want to join the platform and upload as many videos as possible to increase. If you find yourself uploading more than two or three videos daily or cramping numerous hashtags into a video, you’re much.

Moderate everything you do on the app, from uploads to hashtags, comments, etc., especially when starting. 

Avoid Anything Unnatural

Some use unscrupulous methods to manipulate the system, such as fake views, engagements, etc. Acts like these raise suspicions, drawing the algorithm on.

Whatever you do, use only organic strategies to grow your TT account.  

Screen Videos for Inappropriate Content

This strategy ties back to familiarizing yourself with Knowing the rules, making it easier to review yet-to-be-uploaded videos again, and ensuring nothing inappropriate violates the app rules. 

Here are some things to avoid in your videos:

  • Making verbal threats 
  • Endorsing reckless acts
  • Copyright infringement
  • Displaying nudity
  • Racial slurs
  • Animal cruelty
  • Graphic details


Although it can’t be can’t, TikTok Shadowban is a natural phenomenon. It affects everyone who violates community guidelines, even mega influencers. Depending on the severity of the violation, your ban could last anywhere from two weeks to a couple of months.

The key is to familiarize yourself with what invites bans, such as copyright issues, hate speech, and posting inappropriate content. Ensure you steer clear of all of them. 

Every user should take some time off to study TikTok’s style guidelines and policies so as not to unwittingly err. 

Here’s a system where you’ll set long-term goals and generate revenue in the next 5-10 years. If you think about it, spending 30-45 minutes reading the apps to avoid violations is well spent.


How do I fix TikTok Shadowban?

There are several ways to fix TikTok shadowban: delete violating videos, reinstall the app, and minimize excess posting. 

How Long Does TikTok Shadow Ban Last?

A shadowban may last for two weeks or many months, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation. No one can tell precisely when their Shadowban sentence began, so it’s pretty tricky to know how long it lasted.

However, from research and consensus, the average duration for first-time violators is 14 days. If the violation continues, the ban could be extended to a month or more.

Does TikTok Shadowban You if You Post Too Much?

Yes, you may face a shadow ban if you upload too many videos per day. Stick to one or two videos, max. 

Cordelia Bexley

Cordelia Bexley is a professional writer specializing in organic social media growth, mainly in Instagram and TikTok. A graduate in Media Science from Boston University’s College of Communication. Currently working as a content writer for the Influensly blog, she continues her journey both as a writer and in social media organic growth marketing, adding immense value to the Influensly customers with her in-depth guides and how-to on how to grow a TikTok account both for individual creators and brands, doesn’t matter how small or big.

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