How to Find Trending Hashtags on TikTok_

Trending TikTok Hashtags Guide: How to Find Trending Options on TikTok

Are you sick of countless hours scrolling and researching the best TikTok hashtags? Your dedicated time and efforts sometimes go nowhere, and your content strategies need more results.

Thankfully, we’re here to rescue you! Harnessing the power of relevant tags is an art that can be learned progressively, nonetheless. In no time, and with our help, you’ll be expanding your reach with videos on the “For You” page, drawing new followers on the left and right.

What’re we waiting for? Let’s get started!

How Do Tags Work on TikTok?

You must first understand how these little symbols work to navigate the hashtag strategy properly.

Relevant hashtags automatically spread content accordingly, reaching audience members who tend to engage and connect with your stuff. In turn, attaching the appropriate words to the octothorpes will boost your profile image.

Plus, drawing same-taste users with lingo representing your image is a no-brainer. A good example is fashion; fashion tags will transport your videos to fashionista users, granting you easy access to ‘likes,’ ‘comments,’ and ‘shares.’

Why Are TikTok Hashtags Important?

There are hundreds of millions of active monthly users on the app, which makes expanding your content quite tricky. Your profile competes with other TikTok users for attention, trying to loop in with the algorithm and reach the top of the target demographics. It’s a lot more challenging than it looks to meet those top-tier goals.

This is where trending TikTok hashtags come in. If you learn how to use viral options correctly, they can be an essential part of your search engine optimization tactics. Choose as many relevant tags as you want for your content, and BAM! You’ll be thrown into the algorithm lineup on the suitable days at the correct times.

Need proof? Check out some brands you follow and click the “more” button at the end of the video’s caption. There, you’ll see listed popular hashtags. Now, remember those and continue to scroll on your FYP. A ton of similar videos will pop up as you browse.

How Many Hashtags Should I Use on TikTok?

To perfect the hashtag strategy on TT, you must find the magic number you should use. Too many will lead the algorithm in an unwanted direction, confusing the app and encouraging minor to no follower attraction. Too little will have a similar effect; if your videos are not specific enough, they may not reach any users.

Many marketing specialists and experienced TikTok users stand by the suggested four to five. But the trick is that you carefully select these options, always keeping the most relevant and popular hashtags first. For example, if you’re posting a comedic skit, the first one should be #comedy.

What if I Run Out of the Room in the Caption Section?

Strategizing your caption is crucial to drawing the right crowds in; if you overexplain something or “try too hard” to get users’ attention, you may fail to expand your reach. But sometimes, utilizing that full 100-character limit is necessary.

If your video calls for that action, you need to get creative in the comment section with how many hashtags you choose to lay out. Remember, adding to the comments will be less effective as generating a sub-par algorithm response. But still, something is better than nothing.

How to Find the Best TikTok Hashtags?

How to is a popular theme in this article, and we will keep strolling along this desired path. How do you find the top TikTok hashtags to pair with your thoughtfully carried-out videos? You follow these tips:

Incorporate both broad and niche hashtags.

As we said in the previous section, you’ll want to select and enter the most popular TikTok hashtags first (e.g., #comedy for a comedic skit).

From there, you’ll want to gear your selection towards the content users. A good question to ask yourself would be, “What keywords would my audience want when they type a search quarry in the search bar?”

This process can seem daunting and entails a lot of trial and error. But once you narrow in on your profile’s popular and niche hashtags, you’ll be psyched.

Find some viral TikTok hashtags to add.

Popular hashtags for TikTok videos take a lot of work to come up with. But if you head over to the “Discover” page, you can quickly scroll through trending options without putting much effort into it.

Pro tip: Look out for the dominant trends; those will serve you as the best hashtags. Remember that anything trendy won’t last the test of time; you’ll need to keep up with social media’s ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ so that you’re not “so last month.” Having an outdated profile is a terrible fate to recover from.

Check out competitors and leaders in your specific industry.

Inspiration can run dry when you’re actively keeping up with trending TikTok hashtags; sometimes, being “in the know without any relaxation can be tiresome.

When trouble like that hits, piggyback other creators’ ideas. See what they’re doing, analyze how they’re performing, and adopt any ideas that seemingly stick with your similar audience. This action may require you to watch countless videos and take strategic notes, but it’ll get you past the lack of motivation.

Consider the easy way out Relevant hashtags for TikTok.

You are looking for an effortless route to take? Head over to the search bar in TT and type in the target words you want. For example, if you’re conducting a New Year’s Eve challenge, type the octothorpe #newyearseve. Results will appear almost immediately, showing how many views were clocked under that particular hashtag—a telltale sign on whether or not you can put those words to use on your platform.

Clue into your audience’s current habits.

Check out some profile pages of current followers who interact with your content. What top TikTok hashtags are they using? Following their lead will automatically be attractive as if you’re speaking the same dialect with minimal effort.

We suggest looking at who else your current audience members follow if you want to dig deeper. Research their tags, and you’ll likely learn more about why and how your posts drive your fan culture.

TikTok Hashtags for Views

It’sYou must find the trending TikTok hashtags on the app to gain views and expand your following. Taking your video to the next level and mastering TT stardom can open many doors for you, including but not limited to a work-from-home lifestyle and tons of automatic roll-in cash. So, to keep upping those views, we suggest using the following:

  • #fyp
  • #foryoupage
  • #funnyvideos
  • #meme
  • #fashion
  • #dance
  • #music
  • #duetchallenge
  • #whatwouldyoudo
  • #prank
  • #fail
  • #glowup
  • #bekind
  • #staypositive
  • #motivation
  • #inspiration
  • #lifestyle
  • #lifehacks
  • #DIY
  • #homedecor
  • #cooking
  • #baking

There are various additional options on the web, but these are just some good examples we’ll keep promoting.

Does the FYP Hashtag Work?

We did put #fyp and #foryoupage at the top of the previous sections, and for good reason. According to metrics, these are the best TikTok hashtags to link to your content, generating increased following results.

But just because you added #fyp, #foryou, or #foryoupage to your aspiring viral videos doesn’t 100% guarantee you’ll instantly get famous. Remember, hundreds of thousands of people with the same idea use the same methods. You’ll be on the scroll somewhere; we can’t determine or confirm where.

Can I Add Hashtags After Posting a Video?

Trending TikTok hashtags only work if you add them before clicking the “post” button. Why? Because as of now, TT doesn’t give you the chance to edit/change your caption once it’s life.

That’s why we highly recommend double- and triple-checking everything about your video before putting it out there for the public to see. Make sure you’re satisfied. If not, the only additional route you could take would be to add hashtags in the comments.

Can I Use Audience-Geared Tags Instead of Video-Geared Tags?

What does that question even mean? You may be wondering.

Our explanation: Viral TikTok hashtags don’t have to describe the video; they can describe the audience.

A good example is when you own a bookstore and want to invite book lovers to look at your stock and purchase your fan-favorite novels. You’d proceed on social media, tagging hashtags for TikTok like #bookworm and #booklover. That way, you open up a new avenue, drawing in worldwide readers.

In other words, you could use as many hashtags like #smallbusinessowner to see if respective enterprises will follow and support your page.

Either way, both of these options target audiences and not the video; to target the video, a TT influencer would likely use something related to the content. If the pictures and recordings displayed were emphasizing Meghan Quinn’s novels, a good set of tags for TikTok could be #meghanquinn, #canebrothers, and #vancouveragitators (for some of her book series).

Use Branded Hashtags or Hashtag Challenges

If you have a brand and you’re trying to promote it on TikTok, you will want to use something labeled “branded hashtags.” These tags for TikTok solely revolve around the company you’re trying to create/expand and the popular content revolving around it. Hence, they already have an established background.

Using the same hashtags as the brand that carries you is a smart move. It’ll take you to the next level on any social media platform, and you won’t even need a sponsor or to pay for ads.

Which brings us to right hashtags challenges.

Hashtag challenges are online competitions on TT that require you to challenge other users to create content. It can be a song, dance, or something innovative. The catch? Once the video is recorded, those users will be asked to use your best-branded hashtags in captions.

The best part is that you don’t have to create one singular challenge; you can use your brand-specific TikTok hashtags strategically to organize multiple competitions.

Create Branded Hashtags

While we’re near the topic of trending TikTok hashtags in branded form, we’d like to give you a quick overview of how to create them. Pre-existing options may be essential to your videos, but incorporating true, unique, branded choices will give you an authentic opportunity to gain followers.

Think about what products you’re trying to sell, points you’re trying to get across, or lessons you’re trying to teach your audience.

We’ll provide a go-to example: Flax Home uses #myflaxhome in their posts. These videos advertise sheets and duvets with an array of style choices, colors, and patterns for purchasers to choose from. Customers who love the product then associate the specific hashtag with Flax Home, search for it if they’re in need of new content, and tag it themselves when they’re broadcasting a good review.

What’s the end goal with these branded creations? For example, To urge fans and followers to use the same hashtags that Flax Home uses organically. So whatever you’re putting up on TT, if people mention your products, points, or lessons, they’ll also use the best TikTok hashtags you’re putting out there.

When in Doubt, Save Some for Future Use

Tags for TikTok don’t have to be used and reused repeatedly; at that point, the same charade gets tiring. So, find trending hashtags.

Instead, try saving some favorites for later. Jot them down in your notes app. Please copy and paste them into the following video you post or schedule for a few weeks.

Don’t get us wrong; you can still use the staples you pair with every video and incorporate a niche tag that always works wonders for you. But be sure to grab brand-new how-to descriptions, hip behind-the-scenes indicators, and fun-friendly options to accompany your captions.

One Last Tip: Be Sure to Prioritize Keywords

Did you know that social media outlets like YouTube and Instagram are abandoning their hashtag-based search strategies? Lately, they’ve been transitioning to general search engine optimization strategies, narrowing in on keyword-specific phrases that produce results.

In a similar response, the app is starting to wean out tags for TikTok and wean in SEO target words. The captions are beginning to sway the algorithm left and right in influencers’ favor, which is why it’s important to take some time crafting and pairing the right words to your respective videos. #itsnotallaboutthehashtags


This blog article contains a lot of information. We hope you learned the most from our TT tag guide. To access more articles like this one, please visit our homepage link here.

Now, go out and optimize your profile with the most excellent, trendiest hashtags!

Cordelia Bexley

Cordelia Bexley is a professional writer specializing in organic social media growth, mainly in Instagram and TikTok. A graduate in Media Science from Boston University’s College of Communication. Currently working as a content writer for the Influensly blog, she continues her journey both as a writer and in social media organic growth marketing, adding immense value to the Influensly customers with her in-depth guides and how-to on how to grow a TikTok account both for individual creators and brands, doesn’t matter how small or big.

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