Tiktok Algorithm Explained

How Does The TikTok Algorithm Work: Everything You Need To Know

In today’s digital era, Tiktok has attracted more users as compared to other social media platform giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter because, according to the Digital School Of Marketing, TikTok brings its unique selling point to the table that is byte-sized, user-created videos. These videos are easy to watch as they don’t eat your whole day. Plus, the channel opens the door behind which you will find yourself in the landscape of various filters, effects, and soundtracks you can play in your video to boost the making. One of the significant parts of TikTok is that the application keeps you from feeling bored since trends and challenges are always going on, motivating users to participate in them.

Due to these factors, TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users and has been downloaded more than 4.1 billion times. In the monthly U.S. market, TikTok users have passed 150 million, which equals nearly half of America’s population. The video-sharing application is a hit amongst youth, who spend an average of 75 minutes per day here.

Every social media platform has a pattern of algorithms that demands the followers to master it. Usually, brands and influencers get stuck in the part as they need help decoding how the TikTok algorithm works. If you fall into the same category, then worry no more, as this blog will discuss how TikTok’s algorithm works. These factors influence the TikTok algorithm, whether TikTik’s algorithm is random, myths about it, and tips for making your videos viral. Let’s wait no more and dive into the world of TikTok.

How TikTok’s Algorithm Works?

First and foremost, you need to understand how algorithm works, and for that, you have to take the following elements into account:

Device and Account Settings

TikToker is scattered throughout the country. In which part of the region you are, your location, your type of device, your native language, and what video you prefer to watch determines the kind of content would show on your page. It is your call what you want to see, and based on your device and account settings, you will see the local challenges and what’s trending in your area. That will make it easier for you to participate, record your videos, and amaze your followers on TikTok.

Go Beyond Virality To Build Genuine Connections

Keep in mind that apart from following the basic rules of the algorithm, a human element still plays a crucial role in discovering content. So what can you do? Be a part of creating content on trending topics that can be easily viewed by other TikTok users residing in particular places. The plus point, in this case, is that user-generated content trends and challenges can influence the flow of the content in an organic manner, which further influences the TikTok video recommendations pushed ahead by the algorithm. You may never know that your simple action in a video might go viral, and other users and influencers may begin to copy you. Sounds like a dream come true, right?

Take Advantage of TikTok Trends

Whatever trends you spot in TikTok, the best way to achieve a breakthrough is to take advantage of the TikTok trends. Notice what particular video and maximum video length is creating waves on the application. And which trending sounds have proven to be a hit amongst the users and are showing on your For You page? If you don’t take these things into notice, then unfortunately, you will lose the competition. You are making videos for the followers to see, so it is a must to know what your audience prefers to see. They want to watch short videos, then make similar videos that fit in that time frame, and add the famous lyrics; otherwise, the TIkTok algorithm work won’t lift your video. Do you want that to happen? We believe no!

Are you getting overwhelmed by how to go about it? Compare the previous high-performing videos to better understand how to tackle the game here.

Level Up Your TikTok Hashtags

You must have heard about hashtag supremacy. These characters act as heroes without capes because using the relevant keywords furnishes an instant kick to your TikTok videos, as the TikTok algorithm favors the usage of correct keywords.

For example, brands encourage users to add their customized hashtags, which helps distinguish those videos from those of other brands using the same platform. Therefore, it is advised to level up your TikTok hashtags and see how your videos reach the For You page and your follower and view count increase. Please don’t go overboard while adding them, but be wise.

Make The First Few Seconds Count

Oh yes! Make the first few seconds count. It would help if you gave a solid reason to the algorithm and the users to see the video till the very last second. For that, you will have to show your creativity flair as a teaser in the first few seconds so the audience finds your video entertaining and regrets if, by mistake, they scroll past. Start with something interesting and humorous as nobody minds laughing or learning unique.  Those initial seconds only help the followers judge whether they should invest time in your content or not. Give it your best shot!

Factors That Influence The TikTok Algorithm

Two factors influence the TikTok algorithm: user interactions and video information. How? We will break down the factors.

User Interactions

The more your TikTok videos are engaging and earning watch time, the better the chances for the algorithm to speak in your content’s favor. This means it helps with the algorithm’s decision-making. The TikTok algorithm monitors which videos are gaining the most interactions and what the average watch time is. If the video manages to hold the attention until the very last second, then wow, your efforts are finally paying off.

Likes, Comments, and Shares

Likes, comments, and shares are the basic engagement metrics, showing the user’s willingness to engage by liking or leaving a comment and sharing the content with others because they enjoyed it that much.

Does your video meet the requirements of the TikTok algorithm? Then consider yourselves fortunate, as the algorithm will show your videos on the For You page. The ones who find your content relatable will elevate the level of engagement. High engagement rates instruct the algorithm that the video is creative enough to appeal to the audience.

Watch Time

When you give your complete time to a video, your watch time has been recorded. The same formula applies to your case when you post TikTok videos. Skipping the videos is a red flag that the footage was not attractive enough, and the followers thought it was better to watch another video. The longer a video is watched, the more the algorithm will be assisted in knowing what the users want to see. So, if your whole content is watched, congrats as you have earned the watch time, and from now on, the TikTok algorithm will show your videos, increasing your viewer count.

Video Information

Does your video carry complete information? When we say information, it means hashtags, sounds, and captions. If these three resources are used tactfully, your videos will break records on TikTok. You must be thinking about the way. It is straightforward:


If you place the correct keywords in the TikTok videos, your content can appear on the user’s For You page. The algorithm loves the correct and accurate usage of hashtags, and then it recommends your videos to people who share your interests. The right keywords give your content maximum engagement. You will love that, won’t you?


When scrolling through the videos, an interesting caption pulls your attention. Do the same for your videos. Make the captions humorous and concise while offering the context, as that influences how viewers will interpret the content. Plus, creative captions help you keep you distinct from other users and their videos that begin to bore the audience.

Trending Sounds

Back-to-back sounds and music lyrics receive the award for the trending sounds. While in the final stage of video editing, you get access to the audio library where the trending audio and music are shared. Observe the popular sounds behind the videos. They should be your pick as the algorithm gifts you with a notable reach, and the song plays a crucial role in getting you discovered in the world of the TikTok algorithm.

Is The TikTok Algorithm Random?

Spending hours on TikTok might have given you a perspective that the videos go viral without much struggle. But let us end your illusions that whatever you see on TikTok’s you page carries an intense amount of complicated system that decides what to show you and what not. It is built on several factors that stand as solid evidence that there is no such randomness. They are as follows:

User Interactions

Whatever type of video your people interact with or resonate with, TikTok’s algorithm takes it as an instruction that the video has permission to be in the trending category and decides which video might grab your interest.

Engagement Is The Magic You Desire

TikTok’s algorithm is familiar with the language of engagement that revolves around likes, comments, and shares. When a video receives high engagement, the algorithm understands that these are the kinds of videos that hold your interest. For example, if you watch a cooking video, you might have noticed that you get suggestions based on that. The algorithm does those to show the content where you couldn’t get your eyes off. The same happens with your TikTok videos, which, if they receive impressive engagement, then the algorithm boosts such videos in the trend.

The Saga Of Watch Time

If a video gets the complete watch time, then it means that the TikTok content must be highly engaging and exciting. People skip those videos that compel them to scroll ahead after a while and view other content. Therefore, watch time is essential in telling the algorithm to show similar videos on your For You page.

Besides Visuals

Apart from putting effort into making your content the best, multiple options portray that the algorithm needs to move around more evenly. It depends on relevant hashtags, creative captions, and music many enjoy.

Relevant Hashtags

Great emphasis has been given to hashtags, and throughout the blog, you are encouraged to add relevant hashtags in your video so that the algorithm can boost your content.

Unique Captions

Unique captions written underneath capture the attention of the viewers. Further compelling them to see what the content is about.

Trending Songs

Videos will not reach the desired audience if you don’t add trending songs in the background. It may sound funny, but trending music and lyrics harness the TikTok algorithm’s power.

Your video starts showing in the recommendations; ultimately, the visual grabs more attention.

Myths About TikTok Algorithm

Gaining immense fandom, TikTok has been surrounded by a few myths that have upset you and other users regarding how the TikTok algorithm works. If you also believed in these myths that stopped you from making good content, my friend, we have shared a few of them. They are as follows:

You Need Millions Of Followers To Go Viral

The first myth is that you need a following for your content to outdo others. We can say that, up to some extent, this statement is true, but take a breath of relief, as TikTok emphasizes engagement levels rather than supporting the famous ones. Tables can always turn out as a new TikTok. ‘s excellent video quality can assist, while the old user, who posts mediocre content, might have to struggle to come ahead.

The TikTok algorithm focuses more on the engagement ratio, which is represented by likes, comments, and shares. If your content is successful in capturing attention, it is good for you, as the algorithm will move your video to other users to view. Big or small following plays a very minor role in this case.

The Algorithm Fills Your For You Page With The Content You Like

Another rumor is that TikTok’s algorithm only fills the For You Page with the content you formerly interacted with. Let’s clear the assumption. TikTok algorithm works in a pattern that keeps your home attractive with several types of content. The platform tries its best to make your time. The element of surprise and discovery forever works to grab people’s attention. Therefore, the algorithm fills the feed with videos belonging to multiple categories with a good chance of becoming your new favorite category and serving as an exposure to out-of-the-box trends and challenges that make you say, “Why didn’t I think of this before?”. Hence, there is nothing like that with the TikTok algo.

The Algorithm Is Against Certain Types Of Videos

Does TikTok’s algorithm dislike certain types of content? No, the TikTok algorithm is not against any video, but yes, those that contain hate speech, violence, abuse of religious sentiments, or promote harmful actions will undoubtedly be banned. Using the platform to post videos that hurt other users is not wise. If you try to violate the community guidelines, then the platform will have no other option but to suspend your account.

The video is made for entertainment, does not hurt anyone’s feelings, and is safe to watch. Then, the TikTok algorithm will be on your side. Adopting a specific niche and becoming a professional will declare you a winner in that category. Creating premium-quality videos leaves viewers with no option but to see your video until the last second and witness how the bar of viewership escalates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a better algorithm on TikTok?

To get a better algorithm on TikTok. You need to understand and realize that your videos will attract more views when they comprise trending hashtags, music, and high-quality content. Furthermore, consistency is necessary as people will fail to recall you.

How Does TikTok Decide What Goes Viral?

TikTok uses an intricate algorithm that works best with videos that have a high watch time and sensibly uses popular hashtags and sounds. Users who do this have seen their videos go viral in no time.

How Many TikToks Should I Post A Day?

Honestly, there is no magic formula for this one. You have to focus on quality over quantity and post videos in the range of 1-4 daily. By quality, we mean working hard on your content that reaches millions and smashes the charts on TikTok.

How Does TikTok Choose Videos For You?

TikTok’s algorithm generates you pages based on your interactions, watch time, settings of the device, and popular sounds and lyrics.


We have reached the conclusion of the blog and hope you understand how the TikTok algorithm works, the factors that influence it, whether it is random, myths about it, and what people usually ask. Now, make your videos based on the suggestions we offered and see yourself giving other users a tough time.

Cordelia Bexley

Cordelia Bexley is a professional writer specializing in organic social media growth, mainly in Instagram and TikTok. A graduate in Media Science from Boston University’s College of Communication. Currently working as a content writer for the Influensly blog, she continues her journey both as a writer and in social media organic growth marketing, adding immense value to the Influensly customers with her in-depth guides and how-to on how to grow a TikTok account both for individual creators and brands, doesn’t matter how small or big.

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