how to get more followers on tiktok

How to Get More Followers on TikTok? 13 Strategies to Boost Your TikTok Following

Today, TikTok is one of the fastest-trending platforms for digital marketing, and influencers are clamoring to get a piece of the earnings. Reaching an audience certainly takes work, with many TikTokers taking years to earn a few dollars from their pages.

Having 10,000 organic TikTok followers is a realistic goal, especially considering the statistics from Linktree and Shopify stats on the number of accounts that are in that range now.

To succeed with TikTok, you will need to grow a following…but how? To create videos is not enough. Here are some strategies that have produced excellent results for many top TikTok influencers!

How to get more followers on TikTok

TikTok followers are critical to increasing your content views, because they will help you access a more targeted audience that will instantly view and engage with the videos you post. As your new audience grows, current followers help rank your content and make you a more popular creator. When your content is viewed, it jumps up in value according to the TikTok algorithm and has a great chance of reaching TikTok users who view similar content.

As you get followers, you will see more engagement with your posts. Engagement comes in many forms, such as fan commenting on and sharing your content with other like-minded people. Dedicated and real followers could help you access opportunities for sponsors, earn ad revenue and start earning money.

You can also funnel in more viewers as you cross-post videos on other social media platforms. Sharing your work will promote your TikTok videos, resulting in even more followers. The people who like and share your TikTok videos may also want to see what you are up to on Instagram, etc. Follower activity is a key.

To start earning on TikTok (or becoming a micro-influencer), you’re going to need to quickly grow followers. As you grow your page past 1000 followers, you will see improvements, like higher ranking videos, more traffic to your TikTok page and better tracking and value from TikTok pro profiles.

Why do you need followers to earn money on the platform?

To get your content ranked, you need to comply with the TikTok algorithm by making sure that you have good video quality and plenty of followers to view it. Gaining followers organically can take time if you are not willing to put in the effort of following other accounts, commenting on videos and consistently producing great content. It will take months of effort to boost your following, but there are some great strategies for success that you can use to increase your follower count early on.

Working with an account that has some experience of follower growth can be a good start. Check out this account, which comes from a professional marketer and social media manager.

She shares regular information on how she was able to amass followers for her own TikTok and how she repeats the same success for her clients.

Here are some top strategies that you can use to help start a community with more TikTok followers:

Tip #1: Switch to a Business Account

Think about why you are on TikTok; if your goal is to use it for business, marketing a brand or quickly increasing your followers, you need creator tools to track results.

In that case, a pro account brings added insights for engagement with your videos and profile. Pro accounts also get a unique URL to their TikTok profile, with analytics to track it, so you’ll be able to share TikTok presence on your website or over social media (e.g., Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook).

Using a TikTok Pro account, you’ve got access to track each post’s performance on a weekly or monthly timeline and access Q&A upgrades to interact more with your dedicated viewers. If you plan on applying for the creator fund when you gain a mass following, you will also be required to switch to the pro account.

The creator fund is an extension of the TikTok pro platform, but it’s by application only. The fund, created by TikTok, pays out creative wages based on the performance of your videos. If you have a semi-viral TikTok that has earned over 1 million views, you could collect $20-$40 if TikTok approves your application; for example, James Charles’ and Zach King’s TikTok videos with huge view counts have raked in nearly two billion+ views, representing earnings of $40,000+ from this fund.

Tip #2: Honing in on Your Niche

Finding your super-niche, and making sure that you can market to a TikTok audience that is interested, is how you can attract followers. A great example is this vintage niche TikTok account – most of the posts here are about vintage looks, styles, music, fashion, etc. By branching out slightly from the main niche, you will capture a series of new followers without drawing people away from your content.

When you identify the main types of posts that you will be creating on TikTok and stick to that hyper-focused niche, it gets easier for you to create hashtags that suit your content, use the right keywords in your bio and publish content that will regularly rank with people looking for accounts in your niche.

This is another TikTok challenge of a hyper-niche that showcases content all about chipmunks. It is likely that there are some similar nature accounts on the platform, but this account has had success by posting many focused videos on chipmunks, obtaining viral moments and using its unique brand voice.

A super-niche is an incredible way to generate a very loyal following that will share your videos and constantly check your page.  Identifying your super-niche can be difficult, but it can help when you’re ready to post fresh content and create a new content schedule for your page. You will always have a large fanbase of dedicated people, obtaining branded hashtag, waiting to see your content when you post a similar subject that is made just for them.

@chipmunksoftiktok dedicated to videos of house owner feeding his local chipmunk family

Working hard to identify a niche and honing in on the content you want to make can help you reach an even broader audience. The highest earners on TikTok know their niches well and stick to a regular content schedule, making videos for a hyper-specific niche.

If you like videogame content from other creators, think of making content about one specific and popular game, and then hone in on how to make your content original. To gather attention, you will need original editing, a unique way to play the game or a better standard of gameplay, such as playing the game at a high esports level.

Get followers as new audiences that you want to reach with your niche and the goal of creating your videos. If you make videos to share your experience and knowledge, ensure viewers can learn something from every post. If you desire to increase TikTok followers with a high-action video from a new first-person shooter game with incredible editing and excellent highlights, always follow your video with a call to action to follow your page.

Tip #3: Always Use Original Content

Original content on TikTok’s famous niche is something you have created. It is not just using someone else’s sound or following a trend or challenge. While TikTok challenge videos and trending sounds are popular, the real viral videos are the fully original trendsetters.

To make something original, you will need to plan and produce your videos. Think about unique trending music or sounds you can add, consider the editing and the tools with which you will create your video and try to WOW your TikTok audience with your original content.

Your content needs to be original as well as focused. Suppose you are making a video for TikTok that borrows many edited elements from other creators or doing a low-effort duet featuring another creator’s work. In that case, your video is unlikely to rank.

Most of the content you post to TikTok should be original. Use branded hashtag. From the sounds to the footage and editing, it needs to be based on your focused niche and feels like something you put thought and effort into.

Original content is not easy to consistently produce, and the best creators plan and shoot content well in advance to prevent writer’s block. Plan the short-form video content you want to post and have a rough idea of what to work on. You can borrow from other creators and edit clips or sounds from their videos, making sure 80%-90% of your videos are original.

Tip #4: Provide Well-Made Content

Well-made content is an excellent way to engage with your TikTok followers and bring them back for more. If you can share information with your followers and teach them something new, they will rewatch your video, ask questions in the comments and look at other content you post.

Creator @hannagetshired is a great example of a TikTok creator who produces well-made TikTok content.

Her marketing strategy is growing her TikTok page 4 content pillars. She mentions that good content is something that achieve at least one of these goals:

  • engaging,
  • educational,
  • inspiring,
  • entertaining.
Creator @hannagetshired shares her story of growing her TikTok account quickly from zero to 150K followers in 6 months.

Viewers of these videos keep coming back, because the content provides them with value and entertainment. Think about the objectives that you have for your own videos before you make them and remember that you will also need to follow some of these principles to regularly draw your audience in. Well-made content is something TikTok users will want to watch several posting times or draw immediate value from.

Reviewing products and sharing recipes and information (e.g., on your occupation or your education) can all be a huge help for maximum engagement. This unique, educational, personal content ranks well, making your followers’ lives easier. Suppose you have a specialized background or advanced knowledge of a subject. Buying TikTok followers can be useful, moreover. Using this experience in your videos can be an excellent way to pick a hyper-focused niche and share your depth of knowledge with a captivated audience.

You cannot expect every video you make to gather thousands of views and increase engagement. @austinhankwitz’s account is a great example. He shares content in finance and investing, and his TikTok strategy for content includes different types of videos to grow his audience, as well as provide different goals. He has marketing-style videos that are designed FYP and to leverage trends. He has educational videos that follow his main curriculum and draws people to sign up for the newsletter or his podcast. He also has column-style posts that dive deep and demonstrate his knowledge and authority on financial topics. His ultimate goal is to reach out to other experts and grow his follower network and collaboration contacts.

Tip #5: Try a TikTok Growth Tool

To get followers when just starting out, many top creators use TikTok growth tools, which connect videos and accounts to TikTok followers in their follower pool. As a creator on a social media platform, you register for the tool and have real followers interested in your niche sent to your page, where they will follow your content.

Influensly is an example of one of these tools: this service will promote your video and encourage other TikTok users to follow your page. By starting a campaign, you can customize your niche and see fast results with new followers – just days after starting an ad campaign subscription.

Boosted by Influensly

Here, like we Influensly use technology backed by AI to get the most out of your advertising subscription budget. Rather than build fake followers, they will send focused content to interested TikTok users, and you will get real followers who will engage with your posts in return. This technology process does not violate the TikTok TOS; your TikTok account gets real organic growth from using the tool.

This initial boost is a huge help to new content creators, as it can help them see more views on their similar videos and build the community they need to get recognized to expand their TikTok growth.

Tip #6: Look for Viral Trends Relevant to Your Niche

TikTok is about creativity, but trending content often gets shared, as well. Hopping on TikTok trends or finding the sounds being shared most often will ensure you can get more eyes on your videos. Watch for trending relevant hashtags or popular sounds on TikTok and strategize a way you can create short form video content that would be original and related to that trend.

A trending song or video, related to a well-shared and viral trend, will help you find new followers and more engagement. Because users can search for new videos posted using the hashtag or rising videos using the sound in the existing video, there is a greater chance they will find your trend-related TikTok content.

Inspecting trending hashtags, find trending songs and sounds, video subjects can help you decide what educational content to post consistently. Do some market research and discover what’s trending so that you can ride the wave before it is too late.

Make every original video on your TikTok page related to something viral, as if you are creating high-quality original content – you could start a viral trend yourself!

Creative Center is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to identify trending sounds – from the top hashtags, trending songs, creators and more. Using this unique TikTok analytics tool will hugely speed up the time it takes for you to identify trending TikTok content.

Tip #7: Get Personal with Followers and Have Fun

Follower growth and engagement with other engaged followers can take time, but it is part of the fun of TikTok. You can use analytics to identify potential followers that may like your page, but, to perform well on TikTok, you need to get to know your users and forge relationships.

Do not think about people as just numbers – if you can connect with your followers and identify what they are trying to get from your page, you can offer them more on each of your videos. For your content to perform well, you need to know where your larger audience lives, the content they want posted on your page, what their likes and dislikes are, etc.

Engaging with this audience at a more human level can be fun, and it’s a perfect way to show that you genuinely want to know more about the people that regularly watch your videos. A follower count should not just be a means to earn cash.


People on TikTok may make you feel like 300 views is not a lot. But, imagine if you filled a room with 300 people – it would be packed! Don’t get discouraged if your views are down. It’s just a part of the content creation journey. keep posting your content and engaging with your audience. Every view counts, and with persistence and dedication, you’ll get to where you want to be. Remember, success is not a destination, it’s a journey. Keep pushing forward and trust the process. You got this! #newcontentcreator #socialmediacoach #contentcreatortips


Content that tells a story and helps your followers feel more connected to you, also helps grow your network. Make sure to regularly post content that your followers have requested in the comments. Engage with your followers by sharing personal news or inviting them into the creative process. Have fun connecting with your community and showing them who you are.


Replying to @Angel 🧚🏾‍♀️ he knows it means business #iampavlov #iammasterofallcats

♬ original sound – Keaton

This is a great example of an account answering questions from users and a piece of longform content that can help your followers feel heard. More engagement will lead to branded challenges.

Everyone on TikTok is always creating content for their brand with trending music, and, as you create new content, you need to have fun showing off who you are and what you represent. Your free followers will enjoy watching your TikTok videos when you are having fun!

If you are just starting and need a hand getting your TikTok community started, Influensly is a great tool to give more visibility for your content creation. This easy subscription service takes two minutes to sign up for and can jumpstart your followers overnight. Check out this link for targeted followers for your TikTok page. So, knowing how to get more followers on TikTok can be of high importance, one can agree.

Tip #8: Start a Video Series

A video series is several TikTok videos that often come together as a continuation of one another. Posting part 1, and then continuing the story or the education message over several posts, can be a way to bring people back to your page or have a regular feature. Here are some examples of a creating high quality videos you could have in your niche:

A video series can be an excellent way to make disruptive content and to help your TikTok page feel more like it has a niche with a sense of continuity. When you split the series into several parts that happen over the course of a few days, you will have people returning to your account on multiple days or multiple times a day. Having several other series on your TikTok account also improves the viewership of your previous videos.

When making a content series or connected videos, you need to plan accordingly and keep each part short – especially educational posts. These  can pack a lot into each part so that the user will have to rewatch part one to three to improve the view rate on every video. Splitting a short video into multiple parts may not be the most advantageous, so it is better to pack more action or more actionable tips into a short video that can be split up over a series.

Tip #9:  Add Captions to Your Videos

TikTok is viewed worldwide and, thus, in multiple languages. Content accessibility is important, and captions will help to optimize your content. You can automatically generate captions in multiple languages, and there are many caption generation tools that you can find online that will help you create better captions for creating videos.

Also, captioning your TikTok videos enormously helps viewers that have hearing loss and also ensures that people watching your videos without sound still get the context. Having captions in existing challenges via multiple languages will help you grow an international audience and ensure your videos rank well globally, as well as in search engine rankings.

Tip #10: Have a Goal and Use CTA

Every video you post should have some sort of goal, and you should not be shy about using a call to action from time to time. If you want your followers to check out your main website, go to your new merch drop, or simply like and follow your video, making sure you have a call to action in that engaging content.

A simple call to action every few videos will remind your followers and viewers to support your page or help you out on another platform. Such trending challenges can be helpful.

Tip #11: Check up on the Competition.

Even if you are a huge influencer, you need to be focused on the competition and other accounts in the market that are posting content similar to yours. If you do not regularly monitor the competition, you won’t learn from them, and they will likely surpass you.

Check on the right hashtags they are using for social media platforms, what they are doing to reach out to their followers on TikTok and the types of content you are posting on the platform. You can see what is working for them and what is not. Checking on up-and-coming competition in sub-niches (to your own or accounts similar to your own) will also ensure that you can find future collaborators.

Competition research is essential on social media, before you start your page and as you continue to produce content. Look at the type of content other creators post and, if it is getting many likes and follows, consider how you could offer something similar. Always examine what is trending on the platform, and assess your competition so that you can stay ahead of them or model their success.

Tip #12: Keep Your Best Content Pinned

If you have one video that consistently performs better than others on your page, or a viral trend that you started, always pin that content. There are likely some vides that people associate with your account. When you pin these videos at the top of your account, your prospective followers on TikTok and the most loyal fans will always be able to find that TikTok video and it will help identify your brand. Pinned content that is a bit older will showcase what your page is about and show off some of your best content at the top of your profile to keep people on your page and ready to follow it.

Choosing your pinned videos will likely come down to analytics. Look at the videos that have the most viewers and engagement on your page. As you identify some of the main videos that people are viewing your page for, you can choose to pin them at the top of your profile. This will ensure that any new users that visit your profile will have the chance to see your most liked content first.

Pinning for your profile is a big help as it will ensure that some of your engaging content is going to always be featured on top. It can be tough to know what will resonate with a crowd, but by putting your proven Tiktok video content on top, you can always be sure that you are showing a larger audience the best stuff that other people have identified as your greatest work. It will take tracking to decide what should be pinned and what you should be regularly pinned up as your top content.

Tip #13: Don’t Delete Previous Videos

It often takes time for TikTok videos to get noticed or to rank in the algorithm and TikTok marketing. If you post a video you put a lot of time and effort into, and you thought you could get many views and didn’t, get discouraged. Sometimes, it can take six months or more for your video to get ranked in many search engines (and even longer before it starts to get shared over TikTok. If you delete a video without regularly tracking its analytics over time, you may not get the chance to see it start to get the views it deserves.

Unless your page is going in a whole new direction, and your videos no longer align with your branding, do not delete older videos. They are the history of your account, and they could one day get popular.

Monitoring is a big piece of managing your TikTok content. Just because you have not seen a post blow up overnight doesn’t mean you might not see traction over time. Anything that you create should be tracked over time through analytics. By looking at the number of views on older videos over time and comparing your numbers, you can see when a video starts to get popular or the point where a video might start to become popular for your audience. Deleting older videos will not give you the chance to check on them or see a big boost in traffic for your page.

People also ask:

1. How do I increase my followers on TikTok?

Try a growth tool, like Influensly, for fast, early results. Tools like this can help you start with a good base of right followers, ensuring your newly posted videos get engagement and views. After you have a network of followers, identify a hyper-focused niche, offer valuable videos on a consistent post schedule and follow the right hashtag and TikTok trends to seek new followers. You need to strike a balance between creating unique and valuable content that satisfies your audience while also reaching out to trending content to increase your followers.

2. How can I get 1000 followers on TikTok?

Trending content is the best way to get 1000 TikTok followers. If you can duet a popular video, post something original that can leverage trends or effectively use relevant and niche-specific hashtags to get your original and entertaining video viewed by thousands of users, you can get to 1000 followers on TikTok.

Remember that the process takes work and time, and many of the best influencers initially use tools to build their following via video’s discoverability.

3. How can I get to 10K followers on TikTok in five minutes?

Reaching this many followers in five minutes usually involves using the TikTok “Promote” feature. This is essentially a pay-per-click strategy that will have you create a video that encourages users to follow you with content relevant to your niche.

The video should be short; then, you’ll spend revenue to reach out to your target audience who follow similar accounts or watch similar content. You can set a budget and get real followers from the call to action in the video and pay your budget based on the clicks you receive from the promotion.

 You can also use some tools to quickly gain followers; make sure that the tools you use deliver verified followers, not fake followers.

4. How much does TikTok pay users that have 1000 followers?

If you have got a TikTok page with 1000 followers, you’ve earned the macro influencer title. These pages often need to be bigger to benefit from the creator’s fund, which often requires one million+ video views.

Creators can still earn money from a following of this size through sponsored posts and affiliate TikTok marketing. According to Statista, an original creator doing a sponsored post, or sharing affiliate links with a following of 1000 real users, can earn an average of $197 per original post as a macro influencer.

How to get more followers on TikTok, however, you will need a well-paying affiliate, high-quality content that encourages your viewers to turn into buyers and a consistent post schedule to keep your page growing with interested users clicking your links. Obtain TikTok challenges to get the best results!

Cordelia Bexley

Cordelia Bexley is a professional writer specializing in organic social media growth, mainly in Instagram and TikTok. A graduate in Media Science from Boston University’s College of Communication. Currently working as a content writer for the Influensly blog, she continues her journey both as a writer and in social media organic growth marketing, adding immense value to the Influensly customers with her in-depth guides and how-to on how to grow a TikTok account both for individual creators and brands, doesn’t matter how small or big.

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